Home > Love and Lavender (Mayfield Family #4)

Love and Lavender (Mayfield Family #4)
Author: Josi S. Kilpack

      © 2021 Josi S. Kilpack

   All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Shadow Mountain®, at [email protected]. The views expressed herein are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the position of Shadow Mountain.

   All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

   Proper Romance is a registered trademark.

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   Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

   Names: Kilpack, Josi S., author. | Kilpack, Josi S. Mayfield family ; bk. 4.

   Title: Love and lavender / Josi S. Kilpack.

   Other titles: Proper romance.

   Description: Salt Lake City : Shadow Mountain, [2021] | Series: Mayfield family; book 4 | Summary: “Hazel Stillman and Duncan Penhale agree to a marriage of convenience in order for them both to claim their inheritances from Elliott Mayfield, but as part of the agreement, Hazel and Duncan must live together as husband and wife for one year before parting. During that year, the couple learns that perhaps what started out as a business relationship might actually turn into a deep and abiding romance.”—Provided by publisher.

   Identifiers: LCCN 2021018068 | ISBN 9781629729299 (trade paperback) | eISBN 978-1-64933-034-5 (eBook)

   Subjects: LCSH: Marriage—Fiction. | Man-woman relationships—Fiction. | Heirs—Fiction. | Great Britain—History—Regency, 1811–1820—Fiction. | BISAC: FICTION / Romance / Historical / Regency | FICTION / Romance / Clean & Wholesome | LCGFT: Romance fiction. | Historical fiction.

   Classification: LCC PS3611.I45276 L68 2021 | DDC 823/.92—dc23

   LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021018068

   Printed in the United States of America

   Lake Book Manufacturing, Inc., Melrose Park, IL

   10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

   Cover art: Magdalena Russocka / Trevillion Images; Svetlana Iakusheva / Getty Images

   Book design: © Shadow Mountain

   Art direction: Richard Erickson

   Design: Heather G. Ward



      Other Proper Romances

by Josi S. Kilpack

   A Heart Revealed

   Lord Fenton’s Folly

   Forever and Forever

   A Lady’s Favor (eBook only)

   The Lady of the Lakes

   The Vicar’s Daughter

   All That Makes Life Bright

   Miss Wilton’s Waltz

   Promises and Primroses (Mayfield Family, book 1)

   Daisies and Devotion (Mayfield Family, book 2)

   Rakes and Roses (Mayfield Family, book 3)

   Other Titles

by Josi S. Kilpack

   The Sadie Hoffmiller Culinary Mystery Series:

Lemon Tart

English Trifle

Devil’s Food Cake

Key Lime Pie

Blackberry Crumble

Pumpkin Roll

Banana Split

Tres Leches Cupcakes

Baked Alaska

Rocky Road

Fortune Cookie

Wedding Cake

Sadie’s Little Black Recipe Book

The Candy Cane Caper



   Chapter One

   Chapter Two

   Chapter Three

   Chapter Four

   Chapter Five

   Chapter Six

   Chapter Seven

   Chapter Eight

   Chapter Nine

   Chapter Ten

   Chapter Eleven

   Chapter Twelve

   Chapter Thirteen

   Chapter Fourteen

   Chapter Fifteen

   Chapter Sixteen

   Chapter Seventeen

   Chapter Eighteen

   Chapter Nineteen

   Chapter Twenty

   Chapter Twenty-One

   Chapter Twenty-Two

   Chapter Twenty-Three

   Chapter Twenty-Four

   Chapter Twenty-Five

   Chapter Twenty-Six

   Chapter Twenty-Seven

   Chapter Twenty-Eight

   Chapter Twenty-Nine

   Chapter Thirty

   Chapter Thirty-One

   Chapter Thirty-Two

   Chapter Thirty-Three

   Chapter Thirty-Four

   Chapter Thirty-Five

   Chapter Thirty-Six



   Discussion Questions

   About the Author



   March 23, 1822

   Hazel had not slept well. Her crippled foot ached, despite it having been propped on a pillow all night to help manage the swelling induced by traveling. However, the discomfort was little in comparison to the ache that lingered in her heart after Uncle Elliott’s bestowal of a dowry.

   The offer had circled around and around in her mind like a pack of wolves until she thought she’d go mad. Or maybe she had gone mad. Or maybe she’d been mad to begin with. Or maybe Uncle Elliott was mad. That seemed likely in Hazel’s opinion; he must be mad to think that a decent husband could be “bought.” Even for fifty thousand pounds. And yet, Uncle Elliott was one of the kindest and most generous men Hazel had ever known.

   Could he be kind and generous and mad?


   She sighed at the ceiling and threw an arm over her forehead. Life had proven to her over and over that people were complex creatures with complicated motivations and confusing intentions. Why should Uncle Elliott be spared such humanness? Though prone to the frailties of virtue, as all people were, Uncle Elliott was also part of her family.

   A family who had routinely overlooked Hazel—why should he be so different?

   Discarded by her parents, baited by her twin brother, pitied by her younger sister, and ignored by all of them. Not one of them had ever known her. Not one of them had ever tried. Why should she expect Uncle Elliott to see her any more clearly than they did?

   Before yesterday, though, Hazel had thought Uncle Elliott was the family member who understood her best. Apparently, she had been wrong. And, oh, how that hurt.

   The sky began to lighten toward dawn, and despite the miserable night’s sleep, Hazel kept to her usual schedule of taking an early breakfast. With any luck, eating so early would prevent her from encountering Uncle Elliott until she knew how she should act.

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